529 research outputs found

    Road traffic open data in Sweden: Availability and commercial exploitation - A research study on the state of open transportation data in Sweden

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    This chapter includes a description of how the study was conducted. In order to explore the possibilities for private companies to use open data, an extensive literature review was conducted. Furthermore, this helped to get familiarized with the subject of open data and understand how it is utilized today by public companies. While researching different methods for data analytics that are being used in transportation, it was found that predictive analytics was one of the most prominent methods as it can be used in numerous ways in order to improve predictions and planning within organizations. The use of predictive analytics in transportation includes predicting delays and traffic conditions which were found to be appropriate areas of analytics with regards to the types of open data that are commonly available. Hence, these will be the areas of transport analytics that will be focused on in this study. In order to analyze the full potential of open transport data, both as a means of improving existing businesses as well as to allow for new business opportunities to originate, the methodology had to be considered accordingly. To scope out opportunities for improvement of business activities, research projects were reviewed where a number of types of open transport-related data were used to predict future outcomes of traffic conditions and events in public transportation that could have potential impacts on how daily activities within transportation organizations are performed. The projects were chosen based on the potential accessibility that the data used for the analysis has in Swedish open data sources, in order to make sure that corresponding solutions to the problems are feasible to perform in Sweden. Furthermore, in order to analyze the potential for new businesses to arise from available open data, several existing companies that have gained their success through the use of such data were studied to gain an insight into how value can be extracted from it. To analyze the accessibility of relevant open data in Sweden, Trafiklab, and Trafikverket, two open data sources for transportation-related data have been used. These were chosen in a screening method of the biggest open data sources that offer a large amount of data publicly in Sweden.Incomin

    On Special Cases of Dirichlet’s Theorem on Arithmetic Progressions

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    Dirichlet’s theorem regarding existence of inïŹnitely many primes in progressions on the form a, a + n, a + 2n... when (a,n) = 1 is well known and proved by using Dirichlet series. This thesis will mainly treat the special case when a = 1 without the use of such series. In the ïŹrst section of the thesis we show existence of an upper bound as a function of n for when the ïŹrst prime occurs in progressions of this form. The second section contains proofs of the existence of inïŹnitely many primes in progressions when a = 1 and n being 4,6,8 and ïŹnally n being an arbitrary integer, using only elementary methods. In the last section we look into some results in algebraic number theory.Ett primtal Ă€r ett heltal vars enda delare Ă€r 1 och talet sjĂ€lv, sĂ„ kallade triviala delare. Under slutet av 1500-talet arbetade Pierre de Fermat med att hitta en beskrivning av de primtal som givet ett heltal n kunde skrivas pĂ„ formen x^2+ny^2. Samtliga inblandade tal var heltal, vilket gjorde att ekvationerna i frĂ„ga var diofantiska ekvationer. Ekvationer av detta slag Ă€ngades det mycket tid Ă„t att studera i antikens Grekland. Fermat lyckades endast bevisa en av sina utsagor, nĂ€mligen; Ett primtal p kan skrivas pĂ„ formen p=x^2+y^2 om och bara om p=4k+1. I denna utsaga Ă€r n=1 och beskrivningen 4k+1. Det ursprunglig problemet kom att sysselsĂ€tta mĂ„nga vĂ€lkĂ€nda matematiker framöver. En av dem var Adrien-Marie Legendre som försökte bevisa vad vi idag kallar för kvadratiska reprocitetssatsen, vilken lyder; Om ett primtal p kan skrivas som p=4k+1 dĂ„ finns det lösning till x^2-q=ps dĂ€r q Ă€r ett annat primtal om och bara om x^2-p=qt har en lösning men om p=4k+3 dĂ„ finns det lösningar till x^2-q=ps om och bara om x^2+p=qt har en lösning. Detta Ă€r ett specialfall av generaliseringen av ett av de steg Fermat tog för att bevisa sin utsaga, det sĂ„ kallade reprocitetssteget. NĂ€r Legendre försökte bevisa detta stötte han pĂ„ ett problem. Han behövde visa att det fanns oĂ€ndligt mĂ„nga primtal i följder pĂ„ formen ak+n dĂ€r a och n inte delas av nĂ„gra gemensamma primtal. Han lyckades inte, utan det kom senare att bevisas av Carl Gustav Dirichlet som fick satsen uppkallad efter sig. För att göra det anvĂ€nde han sig av vad vi idag kallar för Dirichlet-serier. Dessa metoder kom att utveckla den del av matematiken som kallas analytisk talteori. I föreliggande uppsats Ă€gnar vi oss Ă„t att bevisa nĂ„gra speciallfall av Dirichlets sats, samt att bevisa att det finns en övre grĂ€ns för nĂ€r det första primtalet i dessa följder uppkommer. Till vĂ„r hjĂ€lp har vi det slutgiltiga resultatet av kvadratiska reprocitetssatsen, som till slut bevisades av Carl Friedrich Gauss, vars bevis byggde pĂ„ existens av en annan typ av primtal Ă€n de Legendre sökte. Vi kommer Ă€ven anvĂ€nda oss av en speciell klass av polynom som kallas cyklotomiska polynom. I den sista delen tittar vi pĂ„ ett fenomen som beskrivs bĂ€st i termer av algebraisk talteori; den del av talteori som tittar pĂ„ liknande problem som den analytiska, men löser dem med algebraiska metoder

    Improving the Inertial Navigation System of the CV90 Platform Using Sensor Fusion

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    The aim of this thesis was to synthesize and evaluate an inertial navigation system (INS) for the Combat Vehicle 90 Platform. The INS that was created utilize sensor fusion in order to combine the different signals coming from the vehicle’s multitude of sensors to estimate the vehicle’s position and heading in some known global reference frame. The CV90 standard INS, the NAV90 system, had performed the task of navigation with an unpredictable behavior due to the fact that it relied on heading estimates from a magnetic compass that is strongly influenced by nearby metallic objects, e.g. other vehicles. It will be demonstrated in this thesis that with a two-axis gyroscope mounted on the weapon’s rotational axis, the position and heading estimate from the INS can continue to provide reliable information even during long periods with without GPS signal reception

    Normalization of array-CGH data: influence of copy number imbalances

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>High-resolution microarray-based comparative genomic hybridization (CGH) techniques have successfully been applied to study copy number imbalances in a number of settings such as the analysis of cancer genomes. For normalization of array-CGH data, methods initially developed for gene expression microarray analysis have, in general, been directly adopted and used. However, these methods are designed to work under assumptions that may not be valid for array-CGH data when copy number imbalances are present. We therefore sought to investigate the effect on normalization imposed by copy number imbalances.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Here we demonstrate that copy number imbalances correlate with intensity in array-CGH data thereby causing problems for conventional normalization methods. We propose a strategy to circumvent these problems by taking copy number imbalances into account during normalization, and we test the proposed strategy using several data sets from the analysis of cancer genomes. In addition, we show how the strategy can be applied to conveniently define adaptive sample-specific boundaries between balanced copy number, losses, and gains to facilitate management of variation in tissue heterogeneity when calling copy number changes.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>We highlight the importance of considering copy number imbalances during normalization of array-CGH data, and show how failure to do so can deleteriously affect data and hamper interpretation.</p

    Sist in, först ut; barriÀr eller chimÀr?

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    The Employment Protection Act has, ever since its creation in 1974, moved away from its original purpose, to protect employees – especially the elderly and the sick – and their interest in job security, to increasingly meet employer's interest in efficiency. The law sets up the requirement that a dismissal from the employer must have just cause (or objective grounds). However, within this concept, two separate systems coexists; a dismissal made for personal reasons can be heavily scrutinized by the Labor Court, whereas a dismissal made due to redundancy amounts to just cause for dismissal per se. This can be explained by the fact that the Labor Court does not consider itself competent to review the assessment made by the employer as long as the employer’s reasons are "business related" or "non–personal". Employees’ interest in job security shall instead be fulfilled by the last in, first out principle, meaning that the employer, in the event of redundancy, is not free to choose who shall be made redundant. This principle, however, is tied to a demand that the employee must have sufficient qualifications for further employment. Case law from the Labor Court has furthermore opened up possibilities for employers to invoke personal reasons and personal inadequacies in the assessment regarding sufficient qualifications; reasons which by themselves most likely would not amount to just cause for dismissal. This has loosened up the sharp distinction between dismissals made for personal reasons and dismissals made due to redundancy; which in turn has a direct impact on the outcome of a dismissal. Furthermore, as a part of fulfilling the criteria for just cause; employers are allowed to offer employees other alternative work outside of the seniority-rules (also known as the last in, first out-principle) and thus outside of their work obligations and job description, under conditions that are allowed to be vastly inferior to the preceding. However, to turn down such an offer amounts to just cause for dismissal.Lagen om anstĂ€llningsskydd har alltjĂ€mt sedan dess tillkomst 1974 gĂ„tt ifrĂ„n sitt ursprungliga syfte, att skydda arbetstagare, i synnerhet Ă€ldre och sjuka, och deras intresse av trygghet i anstĂ€llningen, till att alltmer tillgodose arbetsgivares intresse av effektivitet. Lagen stĂ€ller upp krav pĂ„ att en uppsĂ€gning frĂ„n arbetsgivarens sida skall vara sakligt grundad men begreppet Ă€r tudelat; om en uppsĂ€gning finner sin grund i en arbetstagares person kan domstolen överpröva detta beslut pĂ„ detaljnivĂ„, om arbetsgivaren emellertid gör gĂ€llande att skĂ€let för uppsĂ€gningen varit arbetsbrist Ă€r uppsĂ€gningen sakligt grundad. Detta finner sin förklaring i att arbetsdomstolen inte anser sig behörig att överpröva arbetsgivarens beslut sĂ„ lĂ€nge skĂ€len för dessa Ă€r verksamhetsrelaterade. Arbetstagarens intresse av trygghet Ă€r i denna del hĂ€nskjuten till principen om sist in, först ut alltsĂ„ att arbetsgivaren, vid en uppsĂ€gning pga. arbetsbrist, inte stĂ„r fri att vĂ€lja vem som skall sĂ€gas upp. Till denna princip Ă€r emellertid kopplat ett krav pĂ„ att arbetstagaren, för att ha rĂ€tt till fortsatt anstĂ€llning, skall ha tillrĂ€ckliga kvalifikationer. Genom domstolens praxis tillĂ„ts arbetsgivaren emellertid att alltmer Ă„beropa personliga egenskaper och otillrĂ€ckligheter som annars inte torde vara tillrĂ€ckliga för en uppsĂ€gning pga. personliga skĂ€l. Detta har sĂ„ledes luckrat upp den skarpa distinktion som finns i begreppet saklig grund mellan arbetsbrist och personliga skĂ€l, dĂ€r valet i sin tur fĂ„r en direkt inverkan pĂ„ utfallet vad gĂ€ller uppsĂ€gningens saklighet. Arbetsgivare tillĂ„ts vidare att som ett led i fullgörandet av saklig grund-prövningen erbjuda arbetstagare annat arbete, utanför turordningskretsen och arbetsskyldigheten, med villkor som tillĂ„ts vara lĂ„ngt sĂ€mre Ă€n de arbetstagaren tidigare haft. Att neka sĂ„dant utgör i sin tur saklig grund för uppsĂ€gning

    Features indicating readability in Swedish text

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    Studies have shown that modern methods of readability assessment, using automated linguistic analysis and machine learning (ML), is a viable road forward for readability classification and ranking. In this paper we present a study of different levels of analysis and a large number of features and how they affect an ML-system’s accuracy when it comes to readability assessment. We test a large number of features proposed for different languages (mainly English) and evaluate their usefulness for readability assessment for Swedish as well as comparing their performance to that of established metrics. We find that the best performing features are language models based on part-of-speech and dependency type

    Inverse pressure-induced Mott transition in TiPO4_4

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    TiPO4_4 shows interesting structural and magnetic properties as temperature and pressure are varied, such as a spin-Peierls phase transition and the development of incommensurate modulations of the lattice. Recently, high pressure experiments for TiPO4_4 reported two new structural phases appearing at high pressures, the so-called phases IV and V [M. Bykov et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55, 15053]. The latter was shown to include the first example of 5-fold O-coordinated P-atoms in an inorganic phosphate compound. In this work we characterize the electronic structure and other physical properties of these new phases by means of ab-initio calculations, and investigate the structural transition. We find that the appearance of phases IV and V coincides with a collapse of the Mott insulating gap and quenching of magnetism in phase III as pressure is applied. Remarkably, our calculations show that in the high pressure phase V, these features reappear, leading to an antiferromagnetic Mott insulating phase, with robust local moments

    A case of Mycobacterium goodii prosthetic valve endocarditis in a non-immunocompromised patient: use of 16S rDNA analysis for rapid diagnosis

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    Background: Mycobacterium goodii is a rare cause of significant infection. M. goodii has mainly been associated with lymphadenitis, cellulitis, osteomyelitis, and wound infection. Case presentation: A case of a 76-year-old Caucasian female is presented. The patient developed a prosthetic valve endocarditis caused by M. goodii. She had also suffered from severe neurological symptoms related to a septic emboli that could be demonstrated as an ischemic lesion found on CT of the brain. Transesophageal echocardiography verified a large vegetation attached to the prosthetic valve. Commonly used blood culture bottles showed growth of the bacteria after 3 days. Conclusions: Although M. goodii is rarely involved in these kinds of severe infections, rapidly growing mycobacteria should be recognized during conventional bacterial investigations and identified by molecular tools such as analysis of 16S rDNA. Species identification of nontuberculous mycobacteria is demanding and is preferably done in collaboration with a mycobacterial laboratory. An early diagnosis provides the opportunity for adequate treatment. In the present case, prolonged antimicrobial treatment and surgery with replacement of the prosthetic valve was successful

    Analys av sprickrisker i murverk.

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    The effects of four parameters on the cracking of a single leaf masomy facade were studied. The four parameters were, the properties between the masomy and the ground, the ratio between length and width, different values of Y o ungs modulus and the presence of windows and doors.The analysis was carried out in the FE-program Ansys. The present work also includes an experimental study ofthe shear behaviour of the interface layer between masonm·y wallets and concrete foundation. (Swedish
